

International commission for the truth on the Croatian system of concentration camps Jasenovac for the extermination of the Serbs, Jews and Roma.

Statement on the Jasenovac death toll:

Having studied more than a thousand books, articles, statements and documents and based on the results of forensic and anthropological excavations and explorations, The International Commission for the Truth on the Croatian System of Concentration Camps Jasenovac for the Extermination of the Serbs, Jews and Roma in the Second World War issues the following statement:

BOMBARDING OF YUGOSLAVIA - Belgrade, April 23, 1999

Early morning, on April 23, 1999, NATO attacked the RTS building with two destructive missiles.
At that time, 16 employees of RTS were killed.

NATO leaders claimed that the attack was justified, and the Hague tribunal's special commission that examined the RTS bombing case did not suggest to the Prosecution to initiate criminal proceedings.

Died: Jelica Munitlak (27), Ksenija Bankovic (27), Darko Stoimenovski (25), Nebojsa Stojanovic (26), Dragorad Dragojevic (27), Dragan Tasic (29), Aleksandar Deletic (30), Slavisa Stevanovic (32) Sinisa Medić (32), Ivan Stukalo (33), Dejan Markovic (39), Milan Joksimovic (47), Branislav Jovanovic (50), Milovan Jankovic (59), Tomislav Mitrovic (61) and Slobodan Jontic (54).

SARAJEVO, Baščaršija - Bloody Wedding, March 1, 1991

Criminal and the killer Ramiz Delalić Ćelo, a member of Alija's Iizetbegovic  Green Berets, and his team of criminals, attacked Serbian wedding guests in front of the Old Orthodox Church (Temple of the Sacred Architects of Gabriel  and Mikhail ) in order to seize their Serbian flag, because, in his opinion, the Serbian flag should not was at  Baščaršija in Sarajevo. Serbian wedding guests refused to give a flag, Ramiz Delalić took out a pistol and killed his groom's father, Nichola Gardovic. On that occasion, Radenko Mikovic, a priest, was wounded. After that they set the flag on fire. The Serbs considered this act at the beginning of the war, and the same night they raised barricades in Sarajevo and other cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

December 7, 1991 - A horrible unpunished crime in Zagreb

It is a crime that clearly speaks of the criminal intentions of the so-called "Croatian separatist democrats", towards the Serbs as a constituent people of the FR of Croatia, and the SFRY.
That crime happened on December 7, 1991 - the brutal murder of the Serbian family Zec from Zagreb The Zec family was a prominent Serbian family in Zagreb.

ŠUŠNJAR - Sanski Most, August 1941.

The slaughter in Šušnjar  is a name for  mass crimes against Serbian civilians in early August 1941, in the northwestern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, committed by Ustasha units (Volunteers in the Croatian army in the time of the Independent State of Croatia ) and members of the Muslim police, loyal  to coat lieder Anta Pavelic.

In the terrible massacre that occurred on the day of St. Elijah on August 1 and 2, 1941, the village of ŠuŠnjar, in Sanski Most, killed 5,500 Serbs and 40 Jews. Scientific teams in recent years have estimated that more than 7,000 people go to the brunt of the death of  Serb victims.

Until recently, this horrific massacre was not widely known; the Yugoslav communist authorities did not want to talk about the criminals and violate the "brotherhood and unity" that laid the foundation of socialist Yugoslavia.

SILOS (Tarcin), May 11, 1992 - January 27, 1996

The Silos camp was a concentration camp for Serbs managed by the, so called. Army of BiH, from 1992 to 1996.

The "Silos" camp was in the pre-war grain silo in the village of Tarcin, the municipality of Hadzici. The  concentration camp was opened on May 11, 1992, and closed on January 27, 1996.

About 600 Serbian civilians were detained in the camp, of which 24 died from the consequences, beatings, torture and lack of hunger food.

It was closed only two months after the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement.

Organizers and Orderers:

A Story That Wanders Round the World

Holy Father,1 even though I address you only now, I’ve been doing so forever and ever. I am calling out to you from the bottom of the universe, where I am living my life both in this world and in the hereafter, so that I know not where I am. I am calling out to you from this madhouse where they placed me while I was alive. I even knew not that I was inside a madhouse, for everything was normal – that house had windows, albeit crooked. When I changed worlds, the madness continued inside my head, which is in a state of total chaos. I am inside a madhouse, but I’m not mad. In this world, where I am ostensibly alive, I am even better off than in that world of yours over there. But my memories are failing me, so that I don’t know who I am or where I come from. I don’t know whether I was born a Catholic or perhaps converted to Catholicism when those of Greek Orthodox faith were brought back to the faith of their fathers. When those who had been separated from it were brought back to Catholicism, where they could find eternal salvation.